The failed mission

Valdez, James M.



(page 1) The Failed Mission by James M. Valdez As far as the prison that I am at, it is considered a medium-security yard. There are 2 "White" dominant gangs that can be on this yard. There are the "Blacks" - but they have many men of different gangs or not that run as one unit. We have "Paizas" that are mostly Mexican - but may have a few different types of South American men that run with them. We have the "South Siders" that is another dominant Mexican gang that is on this yard and they have a good amount of soldiers and have the strongest structure on how their gang is run on the yard. We have the "Natives" - Native American Indian men. The "Cubans" run as their own group. We have the "USO'S" - Asian/Pacific Islanders with a Samoan name where it originated in Hawaii. And we have the "A.P.I."'s - Asian/Pacific Islanders who do not want to be affiliated with the U.S.O.'s and usually have short time. The whole yard can be very laid back and most of the yard, the men are very close to going home. This prison has 12 units and the prison is run on a Level system. They have made some changes, so I will write down what I think I know. For Unit 1, it's "Level 3"."Level 3" is the lowest level if you are in the General Population. The goal is to be there 60-90 days write up free and then move up to level 2. There are little or less privileges. The men there are either just fresh out coming from the state's intake prisons of Indian Springs-High Desert state prison or from Northern Nevada-Northern Nevada Correctional Center, or just coming out of the Hole finishing their disciplinary write-up time for breaking prison rules. For each race, the men have to filter out the rapists, child molesters, or snitches for their race. But for the Blacks, they do let a lot of these men slide thru the cracks. As for filtering them out, Each unit has a designated shot caller for their race and usually that man will designate a man under him to check the new incoming prisoner's P.S.I. (Pre-sentence Investigation) report or their criminal history "paperwork". This is an inmate's "passport" in order to walk the yard in the General Population as far as the majority of the races. Rarely has the other races really gone to war-like a prison riot for this issue because (page 2) men want to go back home to the streets to their family and loved ones. The risk would be so high in a riot. Because people get hurt. Black eyes, broken limbs, get stabbed, or even die. They have gym 1 time a week. Tier times M-F for regular hours. For Unit 2, it is called "The Worker Unit." The men there all have jobs on the yard. It is Level 1 and are supposed to have the most privileges, but it's not the case. They do have yard times every day and gym times 5 days a week. This unit used to have more privileges like being able to go to order commissary 2 times a week and a time to go to "Coffee Shop" once a week. (Coffee Shop is where an inmate can purchase more premium items that the regular Canteen/Commissary do not carry and is just an extra day to order food items throughout the week) The Warden took away the Coffee Shop privilege and the 2nd day to order commissary throughout the week for this unit, so it ain't really a special unit or desired unit to be in anymore. Tier time hours are 8am-11:15am, 12pm-3:15pm, 4pm-9:15pm. For Units 3 & 4, it is Level 1. Some men have jobs or go to school. But a lot of the men there don't work nor go to school. They have assigned yard time 7 days a week and assigned gym times 5 days a week. And they have the regular Tier time operating hours as everyone else on the yard. For Units 5 & 6, it's Level 2. Some of the men go to school or work in the Culinary (Kitchen job). They go there after Unit 1 or get transferred there if they came form another facility in that state. They have yard time 5 days a week and gym times 3 days a week. They have the regular tier times as everyone else in the General Population. For Unit 7, it is The Hole. 7A is where Protective Custody inmates reside. they all live in a cell by themselves. They get to order "all" items of the Canteen list once a week. Showers are 3 times a week. Get to use the phone 2 times a week for 15 minutes & 1 hour yard in a cage by themselves if they want 7 days a week. For Units 7B and 7C, it is for Administrative Segregation for usually disciplinary inmates for breaking the rules on the yard. Usually for people who get into fights, people who had drugs or sold drugs in the General Population, or awaiting to get transferred to a Maximum Security Facility - Ely State Prison. For 7B and 7C, the inmates can only order stationary or hygiene items off of the Canteen. Can only have some appliances authorized in their cell, get yard 1 hour 7 days a week in (page 3) a cage by themselves if they want, shower 3 times a week, & get 2 phone calls a week. Any time an inmate leaves their cell, they are always put in handcuffs behind their backs. Nobody wants to be in this Unit. For Unit 8, it just re-opened for it was renovated. Some of it is the Hole for Administrative Segregation and some of it is for Level 3 Classified inmates. They get the same privileges as Unit 7 or Unit 1 depending if they're Administrative Segregation or Level 3. There is no Unit 9 or Unit 10 for any housing of inmates. For Units 11A, 11B, 12A, and 12B are all Dorm Living Units for Level 1 inmates. For 11A and 11B, they're units specifically for inmates designated for Programs that let them get some time knocked off their sentences if they graduate the program. For 12A and 12B, inmates are either going to school, some of them have jobs on the yard, some of them are waiting to get a job, and there's a lot of them going home soon. But in my opinion, that is the best place is be on the yard because even when you're on lock down, it doesn't really feel like you're locked down. You can even move thru the unit to go to the restroom or visit your friends in their living area in the dark as long as the C.O. watching the unit doesn't trip. They all get yard 7 days a week, Gym time 5 days a week, regular tier time 7 days a week, Canteen once a week, and there's more freedom there. As far as being in Level 1, you have earned a privilege to be there. The living conditions are better. The inmates there have mostly all their appliances and have commissary and the ones that don't - they get blessed by the ones going home. Mostly everybody has extra food and each race or gang takes care of their own and helps the ones that don't have extra family support when they can. Mandatory workouts are usually done at yard times for the ones that are not working or going to school. In Level 1, you don't want to get in no trouble for any bullshit. But in Level 1, there's a lot of extra curricular activity that one can do to pass their time. But Level 1 is usually easy prison time. very chill and laid back. And as far as my little story goes, I will mention a story involving a group called the USOs that had happened on this yard, but the names are not real (page 4) names. So here I go. Jake is in his early 40's and he is in charge of Units 11A, 11B, 12A, and 12B. He's been on the yard for 2 years, but has been locked up for 15 years almost. He is super chill and has gained his respect amongst his brothers on his time in the County Jail and at High Desert State Prison. Even though he has a life sentence for a Murder and Attempted Murder Charge, he still has the "possibility of parole" and going home to his loved ones. That's if he proves he can be good and have few write-ups. He is liked and respected almost everywhere he goes. He always leads most of the mandatory workouts for when it's yard time. For Units 11A, 11B, 12A, and 12B - he had not problems in those units. Nobody was getting out of line like having open dope debts, gambling debts, or having problems with other races. So really - his only duty is being a shot caller, but he doesn't have to beat nobody up or stab them or have other people do the work for him. If anything, he's the only one to worry about because he gambles on basketball, football, boxing, and plays poker mostly every tier time and day. But he handles his debts if he owes someone right away. His main mission is to go home to his family one day. "S.B." was in charge of the whole yard as far as the U.S.O.'s went. There were only about 40 or 50 of them, so that's not much to watch over. "S.B" had got suspended from his Automotive job and had to move from Unit 2 back to Unit 12. He just let Jake run the units and workouts while he was there. Jake was in Unit 12A with 3 other Uces. An older man in his 60's by the name of "Mr. Lee", Double S", and "Fat Man". And "S.B." was with "Turk", "Skull" and" Big Uce" in 12B. Jake worked in the Bakery from February to June of this year, but lost his job on some bullshit "general" write up. On other yards, you can work with a write up as long as it's not a "major" write up which are harder rules that are broken such as doing or getting tattooed, assault and battery on guards or inmates, possession and intent to sell uncontrolled substances, escape, theft, unauthorized property like T.V.'s or fans, orchestrating a work stoppage, interfering with the head count, or drinking pruno (prison wine). But on this yard, you were suspended of your job assignment for even the smallest of charges. So you'd have to wait 3 months until you could be eligible for work if you got charged for a minor or general write-up. And the (page 5) year before that, Jake worked in the Bakery in the Culinary again. He lost his job for sleeping after doing a graveyard shift in his unit. He slept under a blanket and he had an excuse. A C.O. (Corrections Officer) wrote him up and Jake was suspended from work. Whatever the report the C.O. had written up was morally wrong. Jake grieved the write-up to the warden and to a higher power in Carson City, but both grievances were denied. Jake was very hardworking and tried to balance him being the shot caller for the Dorm Units. A lot of people knew Jake as a good poker player wherever units he played and he ran a poker table wherever he'd go. He stopped though because he had an incident where somebody who owed him could not pay the winners on his table and he had to pay out of his own pocket and he was just disgusted. No worries, though. He played poker less and less and he concentrated on writing a Science Fiction book and drawing illustrations for his writing work. He gave any USO's coming thru to his units to have only 3 mandatory days to come out and work out with him as a group for Unit 12 on Monday's, Thursday's, and Saturday's. That wasn't that much to ask for the guys in Unit 12A and Unit 12B. Only Mr. Lee was exempt because he pretty much was a senior citizen. Jake never really got on them even if they missed because he knew if they were about "the business" of being a true USO, they'd be out there working out with him even on the other non-mandatory days throughout the week when he went outside to the yard to work out. If guys didn't want to listen to their parents, why would you want to listen to another man telling you, "You better work out or else!?" James just said, "It's to say you're united with us and it's for self improvement. I know where I'm at even though I'm in my 40's. I'll be there when shit go down and I'll try my hardest to not put you in harms way." "S.B." and Jake were from Hawaii so they always talked and joked around and since "S.B." was almost 10 years older than Jake, "S.B." always asked, "You good? Need anything? I got you if you need anything like food, coffee, or stamps. You need one knife? I got you - you need one. Let me know!" Jake always said, "Nah - I good. One knife? Nah, Brah, I no need one. We not doing nothing stupid on my side. The old man just watch T.V. and "Doubles" and "Fat Man" just play Dungeons (page 6) and Dragons. We good over there on my side." So "S.B." would tell Jake that he was gonna pass the Keys to the yard to another USO. His name was "Cash". Jake heard of him - but not ever around him. "Cash" got caught doing something at a minimum security prison that was sort of like a half way house and he had to do the rest of his time in Medium Security on this yard. "S.B." did this because he was going home soon and was tired of Babysitting other mens problems on the yard. Jake was told by "S.B." that he could get Jake working in the Automotive Department with him after his 3 months write up free was up. So Jake stayed out of trouble for sure. And Jake was taking "S.B."'s spot in the Automotive Department to say an USO was positioned there. Jake was looking forward to the chance. Then "S.B." left 12B to move to Unit 2 - the workers Unit. A couple of weeks would go by and "S.B." sent a message to Jake through a kite (secret note). Someone gave it to Jake. It said, "Hey Bro! - Let "Turk" run the dorms. 11A, 11B, 12A and 12B is "his" from now on. Stay out of trouble so you can work with me. I already put my reputation out there for you to be hired. The spot is yours. So be good! K-Den, Brah! -Love, "S.B." Turk already knew about it when Jake found out. They went to yard one day and Jake said, "That's cool. I ain't doing nothing bad, so I know that's not a demotion. I act better when I ain't da leader." But Jake didn't know a bunch of things of what was going on in 12B. "S.B." paid a drug debt for some spice - Synthetic THC that Big Uce owed before he left. And Turk and Big Uce were smoking spice every day. If they get a hold of it every day, it's an expensive habit to have. But since Turk had (commissary items) money in his boxes, Jake figured Turk could cover their habits if somebody was owed money. Skull stayed out of the way and Turk had extra appliances for him to keep him busy. Turk gave Skull a T.V., a fan, and some shoes. And Turk rented a T.V. and a fan for Big Uce to use till he'd go home in a couple of month. So supposedly all was well in the dorm units. Big Uce called himself that as his yard name. He wasn't even Samoan. He wasn't even from any Pacific Island. He was White and he said he had Indonesian (page 7) in him. Jake had heard stories of him getting into it with one of the USO's step dad at a medical camp where he was at and that Big Uce left dope debts there, High Desert State Prison when he was there and Unit 3 on this yard before he came to Unit 12B. But USOs didn't pay off other Uce's gambling or dope debts. Jake also heard that because this guy was calling himself Big Uce, he called a lot of "his" brothers he knew on the other yards out. Big Uce told them, "If you guys have a problem with calling myself Big Uce, we can get it (like fight) in the room." They were gonna beat his ass, but he got moved to the medical camp. That is what Jake heard, but anybody could say that and it wasn't true. Jake was just hoping that this guy wouldn't cause any problems and just go home and that he was about to work and get extra funds on his books from working in the Automotive department. Big Uce just started working in the Culinary and that would cut his time off a little. He worked like a week and a half. He found a way to help pay off his dope (spice) debts from working in the kitchen. There was a bunch of Roast Beef that got out of the kitchen and was in 12B by 6:30 pm. All that meat was supposed to just sit there till 8 pm till Big Uce got back to the unit. Nobody was supposed to touch it if it wasn't theirs. The other races that were owed money questioned Turk, "Are you paying off Big Uce's debt with that roast beef? He owes us this much." Whatever the amount was, it was around 80-100 dollars. Turk paid some and went on his own to sell the roast beef around the unit to clean up the debts. He'd been helping this guy every day with whatever he needed to make his time be more comfortable. It was a Thursday morning and it was like 5:30 am. Jake was walking to the chow hall and Turk and Skull hurried to catch up to Jake. Turk told Jake, "Hey Bro! - This guy Big Uce gotta get a D.P. (discipline with body shots) for 25 seconds at yard time. Me, you, and Skull gonna do it in the bathroom on our side in 12B." Jake said, "OK. For what?!" Then Big Uce came right behind them and said, "Fuck that, Jake! Turk's a thief! He stole from me last night! I had some open (page 8) bills and I was supposed to clean it up with whatever meat got to the unit. I don't deserve the D.P! I never did anything wrong! Turk's a thief and he knows it!" By the time they sat down on their table at the chow hall, Jake told Mr. Lee, Fat Man, and Double S to sit on the other table because they had an issue to figure out. Big Uce told Jake, "This fool is a liar and a thief, Jake. He's no good. I ain't taking that D.P. at 9:40 am. I never did nothing wrong." Jake told Big Uce, "Turk is solid. He's been ever since he was with our car. He been helping you every day since you been here. He don't say D.P. one guy for no reason. You wrong right now because you ran your bills that high. And he's helping you! You disrespecting him and us. Man, you guys are giving me one headache. Just wait until 9:40; we figure this stuff out." They ate, turned in their trays and walked with their sack lunches back to their Units. Turk kept talking to Jake and Jake was told by a Native guy that Big Uce didn't deserve the D.P. because Turk wasn't suppossed to touch that meat until Big Uce got back to the unit. Then Skull told Jake the same thing. Jake just didn't want to waste his efforts on someone going home like that. There were other USOs out there that could handle it out there when he got to the streets. Jake gave them their secret handshake each and said he'd see them at yard time. Jake put his sack lunch on his shelf in his area and went towards the restrooms. Once he was by the entrance, the other side's back door was getting knocked on. Jake said, "What's up?!" The person on the other side of the door said, "Hey - Can you call USO Jake for me, please!?" Jake said, "Yeah! - What's up?!" Big Uce said, "Eh Jake, you guys don't have to come over here and give me a D.P. I'm just gonna catch the fade with Turk in the bathroom. (Meaning a one on one fight.) The winner stays, the loser leaves. I don't wanna involve this with the rest of my USOs." Jake told him, "Yeah?! - That's better. You guys both think you guys are right. No need to fuck off nobody else off. You going home. Alright. I still going check on you guys at 9:40 to see what's up." Jake thought everything was good and he told Mr. Lee, Double S, and Fat (page 9) Man not to worry about anything, and that the guys in 12B had the issue under control. But Jake asked Mr. Lee what should he do. Mr. Lee told Jake, "Don't go on the other side to beat the guy up with them on the other side. If you guys do it, do it on yard time because you don't want to have the C.O. on their side to lock the doors on you guys and you guys going get in big trouble." Jake couldn't take a napp. He was stressing, because he had a lot of goof opportunities coming and being in the dorms was the easiest time in locked up life he ever had. He thought if he laid hands on that man, that he'd tell on them for sure. He just stayed up. He told Double S and Fat Man to just kick back and not work out on the yard and that he had to go inside 12B to talk to the guys on the other side to see what was up. He thought for sure Turk already fought Big Uce. But when Jake went over there, Turk was getting tatted up on his chest and arms. Jake just thought - "Nah, they ended up squashing the whole thing." Jake ended up going outside and he saw his other Uce partner who worked in the laundry named Gonzo. Jake told Gonzo, "Eh, - we might have to D.P. this guy in 12B, so roll your laundry cart in the unit. I'll help you cause I don't know what the fuck is going on with these dudes. This guy owe money to the other races and I don't like it - that a lot of people putting heat on us over here." Gonzo was down to help Jake because Jake was his cellie years ago at High Desert State Prison. When the 2 of them went in 12B, they delivered the laundry bags on one of the steel 4 seated metal tables in the unit. Then Turk went by them and said, "Everything's good Bros. This dude just don't run with us no more. He gotta pay his debts before he go home and that's that." Skull, Gonzo, Jake, and Turk went outside to go by Double S and Fat Man on the yard. Jake said, "O.K. - Turk said this guy don't run USO no more and we not touching him. As far as the 2 tables we sit at in the Chow Hall. He can't sit with us. He gotta sit with the Natives or Blacks and he gotta pay his debts before he leave to go home. Everything all good." They all gave Gonzo their secret handshake and walked around together around the gravel yard. Turk was showing Jake his tattoos he got and told him it was costing him 250 dollars. Jake was getting irritated because that was a big bill to cover even though he knew that Turk could cover (page 10) the bill. Jake was like, " I hope this fool don't try to roll up or do something flagrant in front of the C.O.'s to get him snatched up to the hole. Because we can't cover that amount of money today" - in his mind. Turk was telling Jake, "You gotta come with me in our unit and let him (Big Uce) know about not sitting with us no more and get my T.V. and fan back that I'm renting for him." Jake was really irritated now because this was their unit on their side and Jake wasn't in charge no more of the dorms. It still felt like he was in charge. He went to talk to Big Uce. It was peaceful because Big Uce respected Jake. Jake told Big Uce, "You know I no like no problems and this is a nothing problem. I like you go home and we all no like get in trouble. I gotta go work in the Automotive and I writing my book. I'm straight right now. As far as the table in the Chow Hall, you gotta sit with the Natives or Blacks and you gotta give this guy the T.V. and fan back." Big Uce told Jake, "Alright Jake. But I just letting you know this guy Turk turned down the fade (one on one fight) and I ain't no Bitch. He's the thief and shady, Jake and you know no Uce is supposed to turn down a fade if he's called out." Jake watched Big Uce give the appliances to their owners and walked out of the unit all stressed but relieved that everything was settled out. Turk & Skull shook Jake's hand and Jake went back to his unit. From 11am - dinner time, he didn't see anyone from the other unit. At chow time for dinner, 12A and 12B were split up to eat at different chow halls. Jake thought 12B did something wrong and got in trouble so they couldn't eat with his unit. It was around 8 pm and the count was clear. Turk knocked on the back door that connected the 2 units and someone in the unit called Jake to talk to Turk. Jake knocked on the door and said, "What's up? - It's USO Jake." Turk said, "Eh Uce; I gotta kite from the kitchen. Quick (another USO that works in the kitchen) said this is from "Cash" - Da Big Homie." Turk slid the kite (note) under the door so Jake could see it. It said: "Eh Uce! That guy Big Uce is no good. Grab 2 of the homies and do what you gotta do. He can't be on the yard. If you no do nothing, that's on you. Much love and respect." (page 11) Jake had been down a long time, but he only heard of Cash. Jake never met him and the kite just sounded stupid. Jake would never put his prison brothers in danger over from short timer going home and on top of that get them all fucked off and going to the Hole or level reduced. This kite sounded good - like Cash would get props for saying the USOs were with the business when shit gotta go down, but Jake never thought it was the right thing to do. Jake shot the kite under the door back to Turk. Turk asked, "What do you think?" Jake said, "Look Bro! - This is not the right call. This could be somebody else making the call. I don't know Cash. If we gotta do something to this guy Big Uce, the only person I'm gonna listen to is S.B. I'm gonna talk to him face to face. I'm gonna talk to him by his window when we walk to chow early in the morning. I don't have to go to store (pick up Canteen), so I'll talk to him at 5 in the morning." Turk said, "O.K. - but I'll go with you. You can't let Big Uce talk to him first." Jake wanted 3 of them to talk with S.B. at the same time so no one could say "That's a lie - He didn't say that!" Jake told Turk that he wasn't even going to go to eat breakfast and grab his sack lunch at the chow hall. Turk said that he'd give Jake a couple of Honey Buns to compensate him for his time and that he'd meet Jake by S.B.'s window by Unit 2 at 5am when the C.O.'s let 12A and 12B out of the dorms. Jake left the door and was stressed. He went back to his bunk and started making 2 soups, a half bag of rice, some pork grinds, and a bag of fish steaks in Louisiana hot sauce. He thought this was gonna be his last canteen meal he made before he went to the Hole. Just in case he thought. He ate and went to sleep even before 9:30pm lockdown. He woke up at 4:30 am. He went to go and shit to empty out just in case after he talked to S.B., that S.B. would tell him, "That's the call - you guys gotta do 'em. Fuck his ass up." After he was done, he put on his jeans and blue shirt on. A shitty pair of sneakers, and his watch on his wrist. He drank a cup of coffee. Then he rearranged his things. Ready all to be rolled up easily by the "Search and Escort" crew so he figured he'd get all his property to wherever else he went to after the incident was gonna be done. At 5:15 am, the C.O. opened his unit for (page 12) canteen pick up and for Breakfast at the chow hall. Jake sped a quarter mile toward Unit 2 and Turk was right by him walking hella fast. Jake knocked on S.B.'s window. The window was closed at first, but he opened it. He said, "What the fuck?! Early you know! What you guys like?!" Turk spoke and told him that Quick slid him a kite that was from Cash saying that the guys in Unit 12 had to get Big Uce off the yard. S.B. looked pissed and looked at Jake all mad. Jake just had a sad look saying this call was stupid. He (S.B.) told Turk, "Eh! - I going find out, but I let you guys know by Monday. I going talk to the homie." S.B. closed his window and Jake and Turk walked back to Unit 12. They sat on a narrow wooden bench that was outside of Unit 12A. Turk told Jake that he'd meet him at 8 am at yard time and give him a couple of honey buns then because a lot of people were already coming back from chow or picking up their Canteen orders. Jake went inside of his unit and laid down on his bunk. He would change and get ready for yard at 7:30 am. It was 8 am. Jake went outside to the yard in front of their units to meet with Turk. Turk gave Jake a couple of Honeybuns and Jake went in his unit really quick to throw it in his plastic tub under his bunk. He came back out and the 2 of them walked around the small yard in front of their units. Turk told Jake, "I think we should just do it. Get his ass and break him." Jake said, S.B. said wait till Monday. It gotta be the right call. This gonna fuck us all off." Turk kept insisting that they handle this issue with violence. He told Jake, "Look Bro, we already got the kite saying get ride of him (Big Uce) and S.B. said all these dorm units is mine. So they not gonna just put me in charge for nothing. I'm in charge so we not supossed to talk to him (S.B.) or the Big Homie (Cash). They argue with whatever "I" say." Jake told Turk, "Let's just go do it already on your side. This is pissing me off. I never got good sleep over this." Turk said, "Go wake up the other 2 on your side since they never put in work and Skull too since he never put in work either. You and me don't have to do anything." Jake said, "Just leave them out of it already. Double S is 50 almost and Fat Man (page 13) is going home soon." Turk insisted that Jake wake them up. Jake went into his unit and woke up Double S and told him to come on the other side in 12B with him and Turk and to just help them if they end up having a hard time with Big Uce. The 3 of them went walking into 12B. Skull was there too, but this guy Big Uce had a bunch of batteries in a sock and was carrying a big sharp shank on him. He said to all of them, "It's not you guys' problem. It's between me and Turk. If anything, I want the fade with him. Don't you guys think it's fair?" They all looked at Turk and Big Uce and said "That's fair." Turk went into his area and grabbed a shank too. It was a 10 inch sharpened spike that was thin dense metal. He asked Jake to go in the bathroom with him. (The bathroom had like 7 stalls and 7 sinks in it) Turk called Big Uce to come inside, but Big Uce said, "I ain't going in there if you're in there Jake! I ain't stupid. You guys are gonna jump me. Only me and him. Not you Jake." Double S said, "I'm gonna leave. I take the D.P. for not jumping." He left. Jake and Turk waited in the bathroom for 5 minutes waiting for Big Uce to go in the bathroom. It was a long five minutes. He wasn't coming in. All the people in the dorm were warned prior to this that something was gonna go down. Jake went on his own to walk to Big Uce's area. Jake wasn't scared. He thought he was a pretty tough guy and could handle Big Uce even though he had that sock with batteries in one and hand a knife hiding somewhere. Big Uce kinda stepped back when Jake went to him. Jake said, "Look man. I understand. This is not worth it. Just don't sit with us at chow and pay your bill that you owe before you go home. We don't want no problems. You okay with that? I promise we not gonna touch you." Jake looked at everybody and said, "It's all good. Nobody touch this guy and he paying everybody he owe." He fist bumped Big Uce and shaked the hands with Turk and Skull and he left the unit. Jake still didn't unpack his stuff in his unit. There was still dinner time to go to at the chow hall. If nothing happened there, nothing was gonna happen. Jake drank some coffee and talked to Mr. Lee, Double S, and Fat Man. (page 14) Mr. Lee told Jake to write a kite to S.B. what was going on. And Double S and Fat Man were saying, "Just wait till Monday so you know what to do." Jake went and wrote a kite saying: "S.B.; What up, Uce?" - And then Turk was at the back door of the unit knocking wanting to speak with Jake. Jake went back there and said, "What up?" Turk said, "Bro, we gotta get him at dinner time. Somebody over here that work with S.B. said that he's mad at us. And the other races looking at us like we all soft." Jake said, "I don't give a fuck what all them fools say. This level 1. We gotta be slick. We not suppossed to get caught. We going do 'em out in the open? It's a truck mission! We going to the Hole for something and somebody that's not worth our time! What he owe over there? 30, 50 dollars? If it's only that, I'll find a way to pay it." Turk said, "I paid it already. But the homie S.B. is mad. We gotta go at chow!" Jake said, "Fuck! - Go tell the shot callers of all the races on your side it's gonna happen. I going let all the shot callers on my side know we getting down in the chow hall or outside the chow hall, so at least they know not to have anything hot (like dope or knife or a hot kite) on them or to use their shitty clothes because they gotta lay down on the gravel or dirty floor. I see you at chow." Jake went and talked to all the shot callers on his side to warn them that something was gonna happen at dinner time and most likely that he himself was gonna hit Big Uce with a dinner tray because the dude will probably be carrying his shank on him. The shot callers were telling Jake, "Why do you have to do anything? That dude is the guys on the other side's problem." Jake explained, "They're scared they're gonna get hit with the knife." They thought this was a horrible plan. Jake agreed, but said no matter what, it was gonna happen. Jake went back to his area and wrote a kite to S.B. Mr. Lee would get it to him. It said, "S.B., What up Uce!? So I don't agree this gotta happen at Dinner time. Turk said it's Cash's call and that you mad at us. (page 15) Big Uce and Turk was supposed to catch a fade. Loser leave and Winner stays. They both wrong. Big Uce said Turk stole from him, but Turk was helping him the whole time he was here. I thought I was suppossed to work with you. Anyhows, shit going down at chow and I think we should've planned it better so we weren't gonna get caught. Alright then, Big love and respect Uce. -Jake- P.S. - I think this issue was supposed to be solved on Monday - like "you" said, but we doing 'em. Me for sure. K-Den. Jake folded it up really small and scotched taped it. Jake really didn't like this call and the C.O. called, "Stage (get ready) for Chow! Stage for Chow!" Jake put on a thermal, old state blue issued pants, a state issued shirt, some old socks, but he forgot about his shoes. He had a decent pair of shoes on. He didn't take a plastic cup or a spark with him and he just looked over his things that they were ready to go for his roll up just in case they had to take him somewhere. He already know "he" was going to the Hole. Jake walked with Double S to the Chow Hall which was a half mile walk. The whole unit mostly went. Turk's unit was already there and mostly all done eating. Jake and Double S walked in the door. Fat Man was over 400 lbs, so he wasn't gonna enter the door for a while. Once Jake and Double S walked in the door, Turk was with Skull sitting at their table and Turk walked over to the barricaded fence which divided the Chow line and the tables. He told Jake and Double S, "Keep on pushing!" - Meaning to skip the chow and meet up with them. Jake was so mad so he programmed his mind that all this was going down because Big Uce put all his other USO's (Brothers) in danger wherever he was housed and left all his other brothers to fit his (Big Uce's) dope debts. He walked past 40 other dudes in line and found Big Uce sitting with one of the Natives on his table. Jake went straight to Big Uce and hit him with a hard shot to the head. Big Uce was knocked off his chair. Right then and there, a guard that was by the diet tray area ran straight where Jake and Big (page 16) Uce were and sprayed some MK9 Sabre Red Oleoresin Capsicum (O/C) all over Jake. Turk and Skull rushed Big Uce and started punching blows all over him. While Jake couldn't see, All 4 of them were on the floor. Big Uce was mounted on Jake because he could still see. The guard kept spraying everyone in the fight. Turk and Skull were getting blows in, but Jake didn't think he should even counter because he was gonna get shot by the shot gun if he kept resisting and fighting. Big Uce got a couple of good shots to Jake's head and face. The guards came and broke it up. They cuffed the 4 of them. Jake, Skull, Turk, and Big Uce. Double S was no where to be found. A lot of innocent bystanders were sprayed also. The guards had the whole chow hall laid down face down on the floor and about at least 60 people were coughing. The MK9 spray is way worse than Mace spray or pepper spray. Jake thought that Big Uce stabbed him because he thought he could feel a hole in his ribs. No - the spray penetrated his pores to give him the same effect as though he was stabbed. The Search and Escort guards put them on mini flatbed cars - one a piece for Jake, Turk, Skull, and Big Uce. They would be taken to the Infirmary to be decontaminated. Basically they were all put in separate cells where there was a shower to wash the chemical off their faces and body. Jake was soaked from head to toe and his clothes too. It took about one hour and a half for most of the stinging pain to go away. The Search and Escort guards all had to go to Unit 12 and haul the 4 guys' property back to the "Operations" building. Each guy had to go in a big room and have guards inventory their property. Turk had lost 800 dollars in property like food and clothes. Jake lost about 200 dollars of his brand new levis, brand new levis shirt, a brand new pair of shoes, soups, and other food items. People from the dorm unit took them because they were broke from spending their money on this synthetic dope (spice). Convicts aren't supposed to touch property that's not theirs. It's like one of them secret codes of honor you're supposed to follow if you're in the General Population. (page 17) Skull and Big Uce didn't have much property, so they got all their things once they were cleared to have it. So the 4 of them were sent to Unit 7 and put in the same wing. The guards knew it was all Big Uce's fault and that he was a cross out in the USO car. They were put under Administrative Segregation and each were in a cell by themselves. Turk and Jake had their T.V.'s, so their time was more comfortable than the other 2. Jake always took care of Skull with hygiene items, writing paper, pens, nude pics, extra clothes for being there to help him. If they would order food items, it would've been alright, but all food items were restricted in Unit 7 where they were at. They'd wait 30 days to see the disciplinary hearing committee - A Lieutenant, a Sergeant, and a regular C.O. They were all told that they were looking at an Assault and Battery Major write up, but if they plead "guilty" - that they would be guilty of a General write up for fighting. They all plead guilty because they were also told that the 3 of them (Turk, Jake, and Skull) could be back on the yard the next day. They found the shank in Big Uce's property, so he got charged for a major write up for Inmate Made Weapon. They would take away his parole and he'd have to end his sentence in Unit 7. The day after pleading guilty for a general write-up, the 4 of them were called to see the Case worker. Jake asked if he could hit the yard that day and was told, "You are on Max Custody now. You are going to Ely Max State Prison. You have to be housed there for 5 years before you can go anywhere else. Your security points are too high. You went one point over the maximum, so your paperwork was submitted." Jake was depressed because he had good things coming to improve his life in prison and he could've been proud telling his family that he had a coveted job in the prison and doing good. But now, he wasn't sure he could tell his family anything. He though he did something morally right, but he is paying the price for somebody else's bullshit. He thought he was in danger and his fellow brothers on the yard were in danger too. Skull and Turk went (page 18) back to the yard the day after the hearing. Jake had to fend mostly for himself in Unit 7. Nobody helped him by putting money on his books. The guy Cash should've been able to make something good happen for Jake for getting Big Uce off the yard. But nothing. This is just a story that other inmates go thru every day. A man can be good in the joint, it's jut the other knuckle heads surrounded around him can get his life fucked off for nothing. It's just so crazy that people who have never been locked up can think they know what goes on in prison when they really don't. More stories to come. The mission was a failure. To the APWA Editors, You said that I would not have to submit a permissions form for every essay submission? I was not sure, though I filled on out with this essay just in case. I am hoping that the readers don't get lost in the amount of characters listed or what I am trying to describe. Could I please get a response letter on receiving my work I just submitted on 10/14/2019 and more permissions questionaires. Thank you!

Author: Valdez, James M.

Author Location: Nevada

Date: November 5, 2019

Genre: Essay

Extent: 18 pages

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