The great money scheme

Mack-Lemdon, Mr. L.



The great money scheme FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY: People will lie and they will cheat; FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY... People don't care who they hurt or beat; FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY... A woman will sell her precious body; CAUSE That small piece of paper it carries a lot of weight; Its called that mean mean mean mean mean green, Oh mighty dollar...The O'Jays (FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY) From Health Services to Food Services to the Residential Treatment Program (RTP), to almost everything else, the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) has got to be the biggest sham I have ever known. Please don't get me wrong, the MDOC is sort of legit, however, it is a money making machine. BUT DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT be fooled. The details regarding the MDOC can not be exactly told because they are a professional scam agency, organization, or conglomerate, which ever you choose to call it. Any name fits. The MDOC can be classified in the same manner as numerous other corrupt governmental and/or state agency, or person(s), however, you just can't prove it. Common sense tells you that they are doing something, but you just can't prove it. They keep society on the outside while they are doing a lot of "something something" on the inside and because prisoners are not credible, we just can't prove it. UNLESS the Feds do what they do to other illusive corrupters: INVESTIGATE THEM. However, no one is going to do that, afterall, the MDOC is a very large and powerful Billion Dollar Business disguised as a CORRECTIONS Agency and making a GREAT BIG FORTUNE AND FOOL OUT OF MICHIGAN TAX PAYERS.(The state would be in awe if they found out). THEY FOOL YOU. The MDOC is DRUGS , SEX, MONEY, LYING, MANIPUIATION, DECEPTION, A CON GAME, RATIONALIZATION, CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR AND MUCH MORE. The prisoners are not that much better. WE FOOL YOU. I urge any person who can get a job with the MDOC to get one. Any department. IF YOU CAN LIE, STEAL, CHEAT, MANIPULATE, CON, COMMIT CRIMES, BE LAZY, GET FAT, PRETEND, PLAY A GAME WITH TAX PAYERS MONEY, BE ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BE AND SIMPLY DON'T WANT TO THINK, YOU QUALIFY FOR THE MDOC. GET RID OF THAT OLD DIGNITY AND INTEGRITY. WHO NEEDS THAT ANYWAY? THE MONEY IS GREAT, SO GET PAID THEN. Respectfully and with monetary love for you,

Author: Mack-Lemdon, Mr. L.

Author Location: Michigan

Date: August 25, 2018

Genre: Essay

Extent: 1 pages

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