The institutional kingpin Every Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) has at least one Institutional Kingpin. These Kingpins range from being drug kingpins, to womanizers, to the unimaginable. In like manner to basically all other facilities, the R.A. Handlon Correctional Facility, in particular, host mostly Drug Kingpins and a little bit of the Unimaginable. The good news for these "transparent" types lie in the fact that corrections officials know they exist, however, fail to address such matters simply by their silence, afterall, none of these things are hidden. On the contrary, they are obvious and well known. For this reason, various kingpins usually enjoy the best of both worlds while housed in the MDOC, largely at the expense of society, especially considering that corrections can care less about society, prisoners or what anyone is doing anyway, except of course for the pettiest of matters or situations that are promotional. However, while these matters are serious, they are peanuts compared to the Residential Treatment Program (RTP) that the MDOC so graciously and proudly host, Prisoners, especially the "kingpins," have discovered that IF YOU PLAY CRAZY, STUPID, PSYCHOTIC, NUTS OR SOME OTHER MENTAL HEALTH GAME, that the player will come to RTP and "live it up." Drugs, homosexuality, maybe some sex with the opposute sex, pills, stores, get high, very high, j-pays, e-mails, telephones, microwaves, ect., ect., its the life. Plus it is a "high parole rate" program. Prisoners have discovered that if they can make it to RTP they can make it home. Matter of fact, if asked how many prisoners, in RTP, out of lets say 200 are mentally ill, you may come up with around or about 25 give or take a few. The remainder, in my humble opinion, provided false diagnosis to the "mental health" professionals for admissions. Oh well, this is how life has become inside the MDOC warehouse and you, nor anyone else can change it. Sadly, prison is seemingly becoming more and more popular. In fact, it may get to the point where people may want to come to the MDOC out of curiosity, afterall, what's bad about it except you can't drive a car, eat foods of your choice, be with loved ones, carry REAL money, and live exactly the way you want UNLESS you become a institutional kingpin or some other type of institutional player. Prison is a "semi" fun way of life, however, there is a very darkside to all of this. For instance, you have a group of con artist, criminals, liars, and manipulators watching over a group of conaritsit, criminals, liars, and manipulators reinforcing various behaviors. This suspected class may be coming to your neck of the woods, once paroled, and with them they will bring the full capacity of there knowledge, whatever that knowledge may be, that they have so graciously and proudly acquired while housed within the MDOC warehouse and infamous RTP. Indeed, I wish I could divulge more, however, I only have 2,312 days or 55,440 hours of IDOL TIME left and I think I am just going to go watch T.V., cook, play some games, enjoy a Few movies/videos, shoot pool, lift weights, go to the store, gossip about the homosexuals, contemplate getting high, or go to the gym. Afterall, Michigan tax payers are graciously paying 33,809.00 dollars per year for me to enjoy some of these nonproductive things. Matter of fact, after my IDOL TIME is completed, YOU, THE TAX PAYER will have paid about 242,556.00 dollars for it all. Most assuredly, as a tax payer you should know that corrections is Michigan's criminal baby, alternative programs are only "for show", especially considering that YOU, THE MICHIGAN TAX PAYER will spend 242,556.00 dollars on me over the next 6 years and 4 months and when you add this with the half million dollars you have already spent on me, this totals three quarter million dollars. Imagine spending three quarter million dollars on a non-violent, low assault risk, mentally ill, substance abuser. No wonder corrections cost Michigan tax payers 2 billion dollars per year [largely by burdening the poor]. What would you do with 242,556.00 dollars? What about three quarter million? Would you waste it on me? Perhaps, we should consider sending stage four cancer patient to dentists for cancer treatment. It makes about as much sense.