The world wants to steal my happiness but I’m still happy




#1 The world wants to steal my happiness but Im still happy. Dont ask me why, cause I dont know. From the time I could walk I have been in either a kiddy jail or prison. It seems like the story of my life but the end isnt here just yet. I cant say all my bad choices were only based on my need I did some stupid things for my wants to. I wanted what everybody else had and at the time I didnt feel I was wrong. Poverty stole a lot from me and didnt give any thing but bad luck back. Most days I was bare feet by my own choice running in rock playing in the sand oh how I miss being a kid but not kiddy jail. I thought I was so smart and untouchable until they put the handcuffs on and mamma couldnt help. I remember it like it was yesterday because even though it was many yesterdays #2 they all count. We sat in our 3 bedroom house all 15 of us. The old folks say if you up past 12 or 1 and aint got a job you doing something you have no business. I never listened then but now I know. We lived across the feild from my middle school which is also where I practiced football at. I dont remember why we felt we needed the money maybe it was the idea of a public school thinking they had the right to be in my hood and not get touched. The plan sucked as all great plans to but I was a kid stupid high off puberty so I went for it. I wont go into details because that part of the story isnt why I wanted to write this. After it was all said and done I felt no different just empty. Nobody explained the outcome of stupidity thats why I hate urban novels they all end the same somebody get Rich, get killed or go to Jail. Why Read a book #3 That only tells me what I cant get out my future as is? Its like watching a bad movie over again whats the point. So my older cousin told on me which hurt me but shouldnt have surprise me now. And only my mom was left to pay the 40.000 Dollars for my dumb choices. When the police came I couldnt help but to wonder why they didnt just leave me alone. Duh!!! They had a job to do!! I run from police for maybe like a day or two. The looking over my shoulders, not known who to trust was the worst part. Then finally they caught me and I got bigheaded think I was a child so I was protected by mamma. Reality can be sour when you dont expect it!! I can still see the look on my moms face when they told her she couldnt save me and I had a P.O officer about to go to kiddy jail. Urban novels never show the pain of the family member who deal with our #4 left over problems that only multiply because of our stupid acts. Then I was a kid with no kids but now Im a father of 5 who already dont understand my disappearing act. Urban novels dont show that do they?

Author: Bobby

Author Location: Texas

Date: May 15, 2020

Genre: Essay

Extent: 4 pages

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