Beverly Jaynes NO TITLE Dear American Prison Writing Archive, This is my story. It’s about domestic abuse, which led to my crime and then the abuse of power by state officials during my imprisonment. It’s about state sanctioned vengeance and illegal, torturous punishments. It’s about licensing offenders to kill and commit more crime in prison, rather than rehabilitating them. It’s about suppressing truths, even in fraudulent medical records and diagnosing as “delusional”, offenders for telling the truth. It’s about denying medical treatments, even by doctors, participating in a murder conspiracy. It’s about abuse of authority under cover of the law and committing crime in the name of the law, by prosecutors, Dept. of Corrections officials, state legislators, and other good old boys. Missouri institutes a vigilant vengeance system by prison officials to punish crimes beyond court sentences, illegally, sometimes tortuously. Child molesters are handcuffed to their beds by Corrections officials, who leave them to inmates who rape them with sticks, saying, “This is what we do to child molesters”. One such case, proclaimed by [ccc?] offender, Angela Webber, in 2014, was investigated for three months under the PREA law, but dismissed by prison officials who purported that security camera video showed no one entering Webber’s [ccc?] has room that night. But in 2015, at Werdee, it was proven that correction officers deleted the HU2 camera video of other officers beating several female offenders in the common areas. An undercover officer/journalist reported the beating, but officers were not prosecuted for the assaults. The state’s lethal injection drugs have been given to offenders to use on others who are given illegal death sentences. The toxins are placed in the victim’s food and drink and hygiene items, and even sprayed on the back of their heads, (especially while they’re sleeping) causing excruciatingly painful skin rashes and welts, headaches, stomach cramps, acute shortness of breath, and dizziness (when sodium thiopental, no longer available, was in the mix). I have been one of these victims deemed unworthy to live for my crime of shooting to death my husband in 1991. I have spent the last 4 years on protective custody-administrative segregation status in relative safety (but not entirely safe even in P.C.), fearing to go back in general prison population to possibly be handcuffed to my bed and lethally injected in a mock “execution”. I have reason to believe that the toxins have been picked up by former Werdee transportation officer, Mr. Weatherby, from a state legislator’s office in the Jefferson City Capitol! Modoc prefers to use its offenders to do its dirty work (but staff have done this too) and have promised them early releases or some reward upon my death. Missouri correction officers (who are among the lowest paid in the nation) may have also been promised monetary bonuses for killing offenders. Officer Charter, at [illegible], may have been fired (or even hanged, as rumored) for his leaking his knowledge of these crimes. Three mental health officials have resigned ([illegible] Director Mr. Herrington and Werdee mental health director, Ms. White, and therapist Ms. Lustman, resigned together suddenly recently) because they were asked to participate in this murder conspiracy. CCC Dr. Newell, was fired for falsely ordering a CT brain scan to be done on me 7-30-14, before I was told of this, “mistaken order” and the brain scan report was fraudulently incorporated into a SSC excision lab report of 7-8-14 by CCC Dr. Heddon, who added the CT Brain Scan’s analysis to supplement for the lack of a laboratory pathology analysis of the 7-8-14 excision of squamous cell cancer on my right temple, close to the brain, by Dr. Welch, dermatologist at Columbia MO Dermatology. This was a 8-10-14 report (given to me when I paid for the medical record) about the 7-8-14 SSC excision and the brief description of the slide specimen by [Bayee Bynum Lab?], which disclaims having been requested to give its usual pathology diagnostic interpretation or analysis by Dr. Welch. It is strange that he didn’t request the pathology’s lab pathology. He now claims he observed the slide himself to make the diagnosis of, “no tumor-clear margins”. That conflicts with what Dr. Heddon earlier read to me from the lab’s pathology report that, “the carcinoma extends to the base of the [specimen?]” and thus he told me a further excision would be necessary. He had ordered the CT brain scan and told me that this was upon Dr. Welch’s recommendation. But when I wrote to Dr. Welch to ask him why he had order the CT brain scan, he called [illegible] medical to tell them he hadn’t ordered it, at CCC and its director, Ms. [illegible], called me into her office on 8-6-14, to tell me of the “mistaken order”, which she blamed on Dr. Newell, who had then been dismissed that week in the aftermath. Contradictions abounded in doctor appointments concerning this 7-8-14 SSC excision by Dr. Welch, who had bulked in excising another previous SSC on my Rt. Temple (diagnosed in a 5-7-13 biopsy) so [corizon?] ended up enlisting Jefferson City surgeon, Dr. [Doerhoff?], to excise that on 11-1-13. On 9-5-14 at the SSC excision of 7-8-14 follow-up appointment, Dr. Welch pointed to the lab report (in too small of print to read on his computer tablet) and his handwritten note below it, that the SSC had been excised [illegible] and entirely. When I told him that Dr. Heddon had read me a report saying to the contrary that the carcinoma was still present (needing further excision) Dr. Welch assured me that there was, “absolutely nothing to worry about further”. When I was still dubious, he went on, “However I don’t want to leave it like this, because the analysis showed pre-cancerous cells to the edges of the specimen, so I recommend a painful cream treatment that causes infections so antibiotics are taken with it and you’ll look like something in a horror movie”. We decided to discuss that treatment further in 3 months and he said, “the treatment is best done in winter” but I never did get that FU appointment with him. He “froze” my temple that day meanwhile I wrote [Bayee Bynum?] lab about their report of 7-8-14. But they wrote me back that they had only prepared the slide and no analysis had been requested. By the way I had been accidentally billed $160.00 for that service, which seems high for only preparing the slide. They had described the SMM punch biopsy specimen as a, “tan-brown, ill-defined, scaly patch measuring 0.6cm in its largest dimension”. Why hadn’t Dr. Welch requested the lab’s pathology diagnostic analysis, but made his own? Marilyn Hubert, [Werdee Corizon?] director (I’d been transferred back to Werdee from CCC on 11-18-14), showed me the 7-8-14 [Bayee Bynum?] report of the slide description with Dr. Welch’s handwritten diagnosis of “no tumors” below it and I’d earlier received copies of this from the MO protection & advocacy service’s investigation into this issue. They are all satisfied that the SSC has been excised with clean margins but I am not. On 6-1-15 Dr. Hose, a Jefferson City dermatologist, examined me in a FU appointment rather than Dr. Welch, whom she said she had not talked to about his (Dr. Welch’s) treatment of me but she let it slip that she knew he had not ordered that CT brain scan, diagnosing me as having no skin cancer. Indeed the lesion’s area is no longer inflamed on the surface, but I’m not convinced that the SSC was all cleanly, entirely excised, per the conflicting reports. The more recent report given to me has the CT brain scan incorporated report, [depicted?] from the lab report. Likewise, there are conflicting pulmonary reports. Based on a 2012, chest x-ray, CCC electors told me I had pulmonary fibrosis, a degenerative lung disease and for years before that at Werdee, their doctors told me I had emphysema and COPD. In 2012, at CCC, Dr. [Decastros?] even drew pictures of the fibroid cells and lungs, explaining that I had only 60% lung function in my lower lung areas, but about 80% overall lung function. But in 2015, Werdee doctors told me I do not have pulmonary fibrosis nor COPD, based upon a 6-12-15 chest x-ray and pulmonary function test. On 6/23, Nurse Practitioner read the reports to me saying the PFT was normal and the best indicator that my lungs were normal and the chest x-ray showed only, “normal calcification per living in a rural area”. But on 6/25, Dr. Rice read the same reports, saying the chest x-ray was the best indicator of my lungs and it showed mild problems or dysfunction and the chest x-ray showed “scar tissue in the upper apex”, (When I asked, he said no, it did not show calcification). Both these reports on the 6-12-15 chest x-ray had been compared not to the 2012 chest x-ray, but to an 2011 chest x-ray by the Jeff City analysis. Dr. Rice said he had personally compared the 6/12/15 chest x-ray to previous years’ x-rays, including the 2012 CCC chest x-ray, finding no abnormal changes. But Werdee medical director, Ms. Hubert, says they can’t find a 2012 CCC chest x-ray report here. Whom to believe??? For several years at Werdee, I suffered severe leg infections, due to circulation problems in my left leg, which I had to struggle to get antibiotic treatment for before they finally cleared up, including nasty staff infections. In 2012, Dr. Kapur misdiagnosed one as fungal infection, ordering fungal cream instead of antibiotics. It became so red, hot, and inflamed after nurses were ordered to only do twice daily dressing changes for 10 days (and Nurse Richard falsely told me that I had a doctor appointment coming up to address the oozing wound), that finally on the 10th day, another nurse, Annet, stepped in and called Dr. Kapur to come look at it and order antibiotics, which did clear it up. Meanwhile nurses had failed to dose. The ENT doctor who gives me bi-annual injections for my Spasmadic Dysphonia vocal cord disorder, Dr. [Schlidt?], did a partial thyroidectomy surgery on me years ago, in which he severed an artery and left. The recovery room nurse saw my neck fill with blood and a surgeon was called in to do emergency surgery, saving my life! I then spent [3?] days in ICU of Columbia Regional Hospital and Dr. [Schlidt?] apologized for his “fluke error”. I’ve never doubted him all these years, until recently, when prison staff act so surprised that I come back alive after Dr. [Schlidt?] has injected my vocal cords. At the time of my crime I had feared for my life, that my husband was poisoning me, was having an affair he denied, and had taken an insurance policy secretly out on my life. He had me sign a loan for our son to attend Duke U., which I later saw and was not co-signed by me, so I believe I had actually signed approval for an insurance policy. I fled to friends’ houses for safety often and to Kentucky alone for a week, not even telling my 2 children at home then where I was going in 1991. I became very paranoid, thinking I was being videotaped, my ear tracked, and myself spied upon and followed. In 1989, I was mentally hospitalized for a month and I sought out many psych. counselors. I had become mentally dysfunctional, so much so that after my arrest for shooting my husband fatally outside of the St. Louis County Airport on 8-23-91, I was deemed “mentally incompetent to stand trial”, and committed to full on state mental hospital for two years-also spent a year of that being mentally evaluated for my [illegible]. I’d spent two previous years in the squalid old St. Louis County jail (4 years pretrial altogether) trying to get legal representation. Every lawyer told me I should be found mentally incompetent to stand trial for the foreseeable future and my charges would be dropped in lieu of being mentally committed to the state. They tried to persuade me to sign over my husband’s estate to lawyer Jim Snider, the estate [executor?] and my brother-in-law (my husband’s sister’s husband), so that they could be paid their legal fees to represent me. Because I did not trust them and couldn’t pay their high fees, I went with a public defender, who also at first refused to represent me until so ordered by Judge Drumm. Mr. Snider threatened me for not signing the estate over to him; I sent his threatening letter to [Mobur?] ethics committee, which investigated that a while. I was protecting the interests of my three children and believed that if I had been found permanently incompetent to stand trial, the large estate would have been under the control of a court appointed guardian for me and my children would not have received the estate, but I made sure they did get it (which they did in 1995, after it had accrued 10% interest during the four pretrial years). I was found mentally competent to stand trial in 1994, and in 1995, and was convicted of first degree murder on the same day that O.J. was acquitted. In 1997, that conviction was overturned by the MO court of appeals and I was remanded from the old CCC prison to the new St. Louis County jail, for a retrial. Judge Drumm was going to give me a bench trial then, but prosecutor Ed Mcsweeney appealed that on the ground of Judge Drumm’s sentencing statement that he believed I should have been found “Not guilty by reason of mental disease” in 1995. So I was given Judge Kinte, and it took two more years before my 1999 trial, when I was convicted of 2nd degree murder with a 33 year sentence, which prosecutors are still angered over. Parole board member, Mr. Forrester, had the audacity to actually state on tape during my 2007 [PB?] hearing, “Although you are here before us for second degree murder, I am holding you accountable for first degree murder, because I believe the crime had been premeditated and deserves the first degree conviction”. What abuse of power!!! Likewise, in my 2014 [PB?] hearing, [PB?] members Mr. Wells and Mr. Earnst were trying to get me to confess to premeditation of the crime (which I did not do-I had a private detective right behind me, hired to follow my husband from the airport to finally prove his adultery, whom I wouldn’t have wanted to witness a planned crime) in extensive grilling of me while acting as prosecutors, judge, jury, and police interrogations! They used every trial tactic prosecutor Ed McSweeney used in my two trials except for his implying that my buying brand name groceries indicated my greed for money and his holding up a sign saying, “PSYCHO BABBLE”, during testimony by MO dept. of mental health doctors on behalf of my mental plea. Their seemingly scripted questions (and they seemed to take direction from someone from behind the screen in the room) were all part of some surreal, double-jeopardizing retrial, to perhaps find me guilty of capital murder next time. Were they using the [PB?] hearing as a virtual depositioning, requiring me to testify against myself and without legal representation (in order to ostensibly be paroled) and to be used against me in further legal action? It was if the [illegible] old boys said to each other, “Okay, she thinks she has an illegal death penalty, let’s give her a legal one”. The Parole Board is prejudiced against me, a white woman, for killing a man and are refusing to parole me, giving me four consecutive, unprecedented, 5-year setbacks in 2000, 2005, (which turned into two, 2-year setbacks per change in rules, for 2007 and 2009), and 2014 requiring me to serve 28 of the 33 years despite my good prison record and levels and 0% sentencing stipulation. Each of the 5 PB hearings my now 93 year old father has [illegible] that I could live with him (where I’d cook & clean for him and care for him in last years, yet they release offenders on life sentences within 20 years and they paroled Edward [Illegible] shortly after he was offered a 20 year sentence plea deal for drowning his wife to death in a St. Louis hotel. My three children think I’m too crazy to be paroled, so I probably won’t be. I’m not pressured by mental health staff to go back to prison population. But I’m doing an [illegible] program and taking psych. medication. Sincerely, Beverly Jaynes.