To begin to fathom why or how we got here, it is so mind boggling. What is the purpose, that we are subjected to be put on this planet to interact with each other? What is the real point of love? It is just something we feel, do we actually receive it? Or is it just what we want out of other people? What is the point of learning about how this planet works. It is clear and evident to see that this universe creates just to have it pass away and never to be seen or heard from again. There are so many galaxies and other forms of life that our lives here on this planet is very insignificant. We think that the world revolves around just us but it is the other way around, the Earth or (us) revolve around the universe. It seems very evident that since we the (prisoners, rule breakers) or the outcasts of society think nothing of others, so then others (non-rule-breakers) think nothing of us. So when we think that others should help us, and they don't, we feel a sense of self entitlement, wanting others to feel sorry for us, because we feel sorry for ourselves and we feel as if all others should do for us, we feel a sense of self-entitlement when others want to help us, are they doing it out of self-pity or do they want us to change and be productive members of society. There is a reason that we are here, not just because the judge wanted us or hated us, but maybe just because this is where god intended us to change and "grow-up." Maybe we needed to be here to fix our lives. We want to better ourselves so we sign up for all the programs and try our best, but we have people who do not want us to succeed. They want to see us fail and are happy to watch us fall down and continue to do bad. So at this point are we helping people in prison or are we just continuing to make their hearts harder? It's time to change if we want a better future. By Daniel Gebhardt [ID] Jackson-Cotton Corr Facility 3500 N Elm Rd Jackson, MI 49201