
Hall, Eric Wildcat



TORTURE Torture, a word that brings to mind acts upon another of a entense physical nature that are intended to inflict a extreme pain, i.e. electric shock, whipping, nail pulling, burning, to induce the desired psychological effect. Less entense are types of torture that are less about pain and more about fear and discomfort,i.e. waterboarding, sleep deprivation, starvation, noise, cold, and heat, also meant to cause a desired psychological effect. Torture, more often in the prisons of the United States consists of long term discomfort and sensory deprivation. This is the norm in every prison, some more than others, disturbingly most do not consider ~such torture, but adiquate treatment that is humane.Non-prisoners and/or every day people who for one reason or another have experianced some of the following conditions, but for only a few days and thus cannot gain a full understanding of the true physical and psychological effect such _' conditions.. have on the body and mind over a course of years. Thin mattresses of foam that when layed upon compress to a thickness of ~ inch or less of rubber foam or a fiber mattress that compresses to a perminent thickness of 1~ to 2 inches into a solid mass, both of which are only a small degree above sleeping on bare concrete or steel, in the short term of a couple days it is unnoticible, but after weeks the constant stress upon the body results in several periods of waking and turning during sleep because the .pain wkes you up, after rising from bed the pain remains with you for a few hours but at night when you lay down again to sleep if you don't fall asleep immediately the pain returns within a half hour. Prisoners are subjected to this week after week, year after year, sometimes for life. This is torture and deliberate. one has to Another form of torture is the steel stools that sit upon if one wants to use the desk most prison cells have, they are strategically placed in a corner, with a steel stool coming out from the wall, just enough to set your butt on, with arm and shoulder pressed against the concrete wallexposed to the outside elements, that is always cold and causes an ache in the muscle and bones, and should you sit with your back against the wall it is your back that absorbs the chill, the hard steel stool that after a ~ hour starts to cause an ache in your cheeks, you can pad it with a towel, rugs, blanket, but this just delays the inevitable ache in the butt cheeks, and besides this discomfort it discourages one from sitting at the desk communicating with the outside world and incourages one to lay in bed the whole time one is in the cell. This is torture and deliberate. torture is central air, in the summer the air condition- More ing is a constant cold blast to the point that one has to wear long johns or sweats in the cell in summer and in winter the heat is enough to strip you down to boxer shorts in the winter, in the summer you have to change to go outside for recreation and in the winter you have to bundle up and sweat while you wait for the meal move or recreation move that upon exiting the building begins to chill your skin. E6 compobnd this .birds throughout the year nest in the outside vents that suck bird shit dust into the has to breath in. This is torture central air system that one and cfeTi berate. 2 More torture are the steel sliding doors that are banged and rattled shut by the guards numerous times during the day or the check to insure they are securly shut, that when distracted cause a startled reaction by the nerves, elevated heart rate and an increase in stress in a already stressful invironment. This is torture and deliberate. As if this isn't enough there is more. Meals that more often than not are cold, bland and smally portioned that do nothing ~---~~---= but leave your stomach feeling empty and mind disappointed with feelings of depression. This is torture and deliberate. There are bunk beds that the upper bunk is placed to low that invariabally causes one to crack their head against the top bunk several times a year or when sitting on you are forced to sit hunched over causing unnatural stress on the spine and no doubt encourages one to lay down, that simply could have been avoided by building to specifications with adequate space between the lower and upper bunk, bUt wasn't. This is torture and deli-�.. berate. Yet more is the denial of medical treatment for physical ailments that require pain medication for pain management that the conditions of confinement themselves have caused, specifically back pain and arthritus wherein the excuse is used that adiquate pain medication is addictive or if non-narcotic is available for purchase at inflated prices from the commissary and at a low dosage rate, that is essentially unaffordable so you are subjected to living with constant pain. Even worse is serious illness that is left untreated to the point of terminality so ~at some inexperianced cheap doctor can learn operating 3 procedure or try something new on a human guine criminal � that dominate society doesn't give a shit about. This is torture and deliberate. Just a few of the dozens of different forms of torture that are indured by millions for years upon years, that the majority of americans find acceptable because prison is for the infliction of punishment and part of punishment is pain and deprivation, this dispite the factual and statistical evidence that punish ~--~~~ ment and deprivation do nothing towards changing a person for the betterment of society, pain and deprivation just makes them less compassionate for the people of society that demanded such forms of torture because prison isn't suppose to be comfortable as watch the news how men and woman con commit horrendous crimes against others, the shock the human conscience, people that are but punishment through discomfort and society wonders they defined as innocent victims, but are they really when they have demanded the torture of millions daily and made them invisibly insane just waiting for their sentence to expire, with sincere intentions of never coming back to prison, unfortunately the majority will and of this majority a small number will go over the edge of sanity and do something horrendous. As for society, well, you reap what you sow. April 11, 2010 Eric Wildcat Hall BL-5355, Unit I-B 10745 Route 18 Albion, Pa. 16475-0002 4

Author: Hall, Eric Wildcat

Author Location: Pennsylvania

Date: April 11, 2010

Genre: Essay

Extent: 4 pages

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