“Trafficking In WHAT?! I'D Never Be A Party To THAT!!” ANY type of Illegal Detainment is a serious crime. But Kidnapping-And~Holding—For-Ransom (or for other gain) is a Federal offense; it carries a Life-Sentence. Conspiracy- To—Commit such a crime adds another Life-Sentence. _Plotting to deliberately increase a person's length—of— incarceration (beyond the actual intended sentence), for personal interests or for gain, amounts to the same thing: felonious deprivation of freedom. AND it constitutes an AGGRAVATED Felony (for each con- spirator) because there exists a danger: that those so des tained face the ever-increasing likelihood of DYING while still incarcerated WELL-BEYOND eligibility—for~parole. The death of any person during the commission or per~ petration of a crime is punishable as Murder.... In fact, many of the Ohio ‘parole’ board's victims HAVE died while being held YEARS PAST their legitimate terms—of- incarceration. (ELIGIBILITY is 2/3 of the Judge's stated 'minimum': "5-to-25" means "3 1/2 years with good behavior; otherwise 5 years;” ”10—to-25” means "7 years with good be? havior; otherwise 10 years.") ~ Once PAST the ACTUAL ‘minimum’ (Q of a W§fto 25V,etc.), a fprisoner' is NO LONGER serving any LEGITIMATE sentence and so becomes a 'CAPTIVE', just as surely as if he were a victim of kidnapping. So - we are wondering — WHAT will be the punishment of these conspirators for their willful participation in this most flagrant form of HUMAN-TRAFFICKING.{!??*_ Are State employees not subject to the SAME Laws (and penalties) as are OTHER citizens????