What would (M.L.K.) say?

Africa, James



What Would (M.L.K.) say? (1 of 2) In response to a question most oftenly asked by Americans who subscribe to the philosophical doctrine of the American prophet Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "What would (M.L.K.) say about the present status of the American promise"? I submit in part based on his unwavering commitment to social justice, his devotion to illustrate by example, the depth, height, and width of his Christian faith, and his indomitable will to hold America accountable to the moral standard of the promise its founding fathers declared on paper to all the heirs of liberty. I am thoroughly persuaded in light of the national headlines that because the phenomenon universally known as the American dream is essentially on its death bed, desperately fighting for what appears to be its last hope, while the president of the United States has all but read the American promise its eulogy; Dr. Kings first order of business would be to officially diagnose the deteriorating health of the American promise as America showing systemic complications due to its refusal to seek treatment of the chronic color condition it can no longer afford to ignore if America is to be saved from itself. Moreover, he would emphasize that while America has continued to make significant strides in civil rights for Americans dehabilitated by America's complications, whether these complications have handicapped communities of color politically, socially, or economically, these strides should not only serve as a constant reminder of how far we have come as a people, but also how far, far too many disabled Americans have been left behind to limp or crawl along the way. And, he might add that with so many dependent Americans struggling to independently make their way under the crusing weight of the ignorance of the traditional white justice system, and so much distance left to cover to reach the promised land; (our E-Pluribus-Unum) the ideal utopia of America's remission from its color condition if we genuinely hope to close the gap between the advantaged and the structurally disadvantaged before the gap evolves into a faultline, now is the time to become proactive participants in the struggle to keep the American dream alive, as the struggle to resuscitate the promise transitions (2 of 2) into a perennial relay between the agents of change who dare to take America to new heights, and the agents of tradition who dare to preserve America's old laws. Therefore in closing its needless to say that Dr. King would find it a hard sell for America to continue to sucker the rest of the world's democracies into buying into the self-defeating proposition that despite of the irony that Americans are deliberately sticking their feet out to trip Americans up in the process, ultimately all Americans are uniformly running the same race for the same values to secure the same God given rights. Since principally among these rights is the provision of equal station regardless of race, color, class, or creed. Which in summary personifies the underpinnings of what I believe would be Dr. King's final prognosis. The prognosis that because the true enduring power of a nation is not its wealth, nor its military might, but the kind of character that it produces. If indeed by America's fruit ye shall know the character of America's fate, then ideally an (America) that lacks the moral conviction, the political will, and the strength to lift Americans broken by America's disabilities up off the ground, maybe alot of things to alot of Americans, but what it is not is a super power. Nor is is exceptional. Unless American exceptionalism implies promoting the general welfare of all American values (except) the value of all American lives. Not exceptional when the infrastructure that makes America the most promising nation on Earth rest entirely upon the promise of indivisibility, liberty, and justice for all. Not exceptional when a handicapped America however strong has yet a more stronger black, brown, red, and white America within her to be realized. Not exceptional when if the lifeblood of the Supreme power of the United States of America is the character of the American people, then neither wealth nor military might can save America from itself... Submitted by: Mr. James [redacted]

Author: Africa, James

Author Location: Tennessee

Date: June 16, 2020

Genre: Essay

Extent: 2 pages

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