YaHWeH – Our source of help

Smalley, Eric



YaHWeH - Our Source of Help By: Eric Smalley In our lifetime, we have sought help in many ways. We seek help in our finances, in our homes, in our jobs etc. Sometimes, we look for help and cant find any. And that can be very distressful no matter who you are. Even the rich and powerful seek help (that is when they swallow their pride to do so). The main thing is, however, is that help may or may not be there when and how you need it. Especially if this help is of the world. Man is unreliable to help. And Man may not be able to provide the needs to help you. But yet, we continue to turn to Man instead of the One Who can sustain us, provide for us and help us. By using Scripture, I want to enlighten you on Who it is that hears our cries and Who it is that helps us in our very time of need. Lets first look at Psalm 120:1 - "In my distress I cried to YHWH, and He answered me." When were you ever in distress - regardless of the circumstance - and you need help? Sometimes, we find ourselves struggling with life's circumstances, we feel helpless and useless. By doing so, we begin to lose our faith. In Matthew 9:27, we meet two blind men, crying out to Yahushua saying, "Ben (Son) of Dawid, have compassion on us!" In their distress, they cried out to the One who cold heal them. Because of their faith, they were healed. "I lift up my eyes to the hills; where does my help come from? My help comes from YHWH, maker of the shamayim (heavens) and earth" (Psalm 121:1-2). Our help comes from no other god, person or worldly promise. YHWH is the only source of help Who has promised to never leave us or forsake us. Why seek help from someone or something that cannot - and will not - compare to the Mightyness of our Creator, YHWH Elohim? Our help can only come from one source - And it's YHWH. "Our help is in the name of YHWH, maker of the shamayim and earth" (Psalm 124:8). In Hebrew, Yahushua is the Son of Elohim. Yahweh is His Father. Yah is a shorter version for the name of Yahweh. The name Yah is in the beginning of the name Yahushua. Because of Yahushua being our Savior, He is the One we call on in our time of need. Today, Yahushua, through Him and by His Father is our only source of help. Through out Scripture, there are so many who has called on the Name of Yahweh. And everytime, they were answered. During this crazy time through-out our nation, now is the time of salvation. Cry out to the One who can deliver you, restore you and strengthen your faith. He is always there and is always faithful and true. Take this time to study His Word so you may be encouraged. God Bless.

Author: Smalley, Eric

Author Location: Virginia

Date: June 14, 2020

Genre: Essay

Extent: 2 pages

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