
Gilmore, Jamar



Author: Jamar Frank Gilmore, NY Title: Untitled Reason: Theoretic View Prison is a place of groups, clicks, and clans. Big groups all the way down to micro groups sticking together because they either have the same interest or common goal. However in any group race is a big deal and inside a prison if a group feels that they are not properly represented racially, whether it is a job placement or a place to call their own in the yard, can lead to a catastrophic encounter. Not long ago me and a fellow inmate were discussing the Bible and God's chosen people the Israelite's. Were they black or white? Was Jesus black or white? A few days later I here someone say Abraham Lincoln was a black man and our current president isn't the first black president. About a week or so later I'm heading out my cell to the general library and this same individual is on his way in. He stops and gives a copied excerpt of a book titled Five Negro Presidents by J.A. Rogers. Now I'm familiar with this author just not this subject, when I return I settle down and read it. I can see that race has always been of great concern to the world, words like pure white and negro strain illuminated my vision. After the cataclysmic judgement and the forming of the Noahlc Covenant, Noah and his three sons were blessed by God to be fruitful and multiply, bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply in it-see Genesis 9:7. Noah's three sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth all of these men were descendants of Adam through Adam's son Seth. Ham had four son's; Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan. In Hebrew Cush means Ethiopia. Today's Cush descendants are modern Ethiopians. Jacob who later became Israel was a descendant of Abraham and Noah. He had twelve sons one being Levi. The Levites were the ordained priest of Israel. Eli a Levite high priest had two sons with Egyptian names Hophini which means tadpole and Phinehas which means Nubian. Nubia is a region located in North East Africa in the Nile Valley south of Egypt and Sudan. Now history has established that there were people of color among the Israelites. The "Five Negro Presidents" declared Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, and president Harding, the last is still in question. These four were all descendants of Africans, it is stated that before the revolution many of negro ancestry had become so white that whites who had been kidnapped and sold as Negroes could not prove they were really white. The more so that some of them were darker than the bleached Negroes. There are a few instances where the color lines was so blurred that the person didn't know if they were black or white. Salome Mueller a white German girl who was sold as a slave. Her relatives brought suit but the Supreme Court of Louisiana held she was a negro. It wasn't until her birth certificate was dug up in Germany that her real race was discovered. In fact Salome had been married to a negro and believed herself to be one also. (Quoting J.A. Rogers). "It is usual for writers to condemn off hand the statement that any degree of negro strain whatsoever. But its not possible without minute tracing or ancestry to find whether one is pure white. T. John McKee a negro man who became white and then voluntarily became a negro again, his case attracted national attention and whose picture appeared on the front page of the New York Daily News February 20, 1948. McKee was the grandson of a negro millionaire of the same name had crossed the color line gone to Yale and studied law. He lived for forty-five years as a white man and had been a successful Wall Street lawyer. He also married a white woman and had children by her. Then in "1948" he saw an ad, issued by an orphan Society of Philadelphia for any living grandsons of McKee. The letter in his will had left $800.00 to found a military school for white and negro orphans with the provision that if this was not done, the money with interest should go to his last living grandson. The attorney McKee discovered was no other than himself and he promptly became a negro again to the tune of $1,240,000 with interest on the original sum. Another case the English royalty, David Michael Marquis of Milford Haven, cousin of the Queen of England has some negro strain but positively does not show it. On the paternal side he is descended from Queen Victoria. On the maternal from Pushkin. Russia's greatest poet, Pushkin in turn is a descendant from Abram Petrovitch Hannibal an unmixed Sudanese negro. Who had been adopted by "Peter the Great", of Russia and of whom Pushkin wrote in his "Negro of Peter the Great". The conclusion to the following facts that the above named incidents and the five presidents could be Caucasian to some and African descent to others validates God's word; Acts 17:26- "And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth." So the question who was first? Who is the dominant race? Speaking only in theory I pose the question; Was Adam and Eve the first interracial marriage? The Bible says there was a problem with man citing Genesis 2:18 "And the Lord said, it is not good that man should be alone. I will make him a helper comparable to him. And the Lord caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam and he slept and He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in its place. See also Genesis 2:21. In science this procedure is called a biopsy by increasing Adam's bio rhythm caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep. The problem God foreseen was that man (Adam) was genetically engineered from that earth and suited for that particular environment. For example there are species of animal who can only survive in their natural habitat. Citing Genesis 2:7- "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being." Adam was suited for the Garden of Eden an oasis with a tropical temperature sunny and hot, Adam's skin produced the element melanin giving him a dark pigmentation. Eve; woman was created from the rib of Adam citing Genesis 2:22- "Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman and He brought her to man". To cure Adam's deficiency high amounts of melanin. He used a process termed germination to create woman from the bone of Adam and performing gene therapy to improve Adam. Bone is mostly calcareous tissue as a result the calcium caused a physical bio chemical defect present at her birth, "a birth defect." A smaller amount of melanin in her body which lightened her pigment, this was a genetic improvement immensely in mankind. Eve not only possessed her womanhood she had a counterpart that served the survival of the human race and fulfilled God's commandment to subdue the earth. Their copulation produced an offspring that could withstand any environment. Hot, dry, sunny, wet, cold, lack of sun, no sun for long periods. Melanin will increase in the sun hence a tan, in a less sunny environment it produces smaller amounts of melanin, lighter complexion, pale, light skin. During a time and generations of mankind who traveled by foot without domestication of animals. This was very important traveling through the elements, if this is so and history has pointed to it. Then what I have been told is false. Throughout my experience of this life growing up in a urban community skin color has always been said to be the reason for my state of not achieving or being dealt with unfairly. As I matured behind the walls of prison and expanded my reading palate my point of view changed even amongst extreme oppressive situations and inhumane conditions, that break human spirit and leave just a shell of human flesh. Now I understand the saying all men are created equal. No matter what, we are all equal in our range of emotions fear, anger, love, joy, pride, sadness, pain, happiness even hope. Our hopes may not be the same picture but it's the same emotion determination. The success you want for your children, wife, family I want as well. Safety and security to make it to your bed at night safely whether it's a cell, a queen size or a cardboard box. King Solomon made an observation of man's range of expressing his emotion -citing Ecclesiastes 1:9 "That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, there is nothing new under the sun." Emotions are expressed in a repetitive manner, pride- possessions, family, education and race; love is shown through whatever passion one is devoted to; sports, music, cellphone. We want freedom but we set boundaries, we seek peace but will burn and kill to get it, we want justice only on our terms. We are God's greatest creation. He gave us authority over the earth. He has referred to us as neighbors. Is it so hard to believe our origins stem from a interracial marriage and if so then we are all distant relatives. So that also would mean all our customs, religion, dialect and history all originate from the same foundation, we've just forgotten our old ways in the old country: Citing Ecclesiastes 1:11 "There is no remembrance of former things nor will there be any remembrance of things that are to come by those who will come after." The distractions we have now has set us back a million years intellectually if we realize we are from the same family tree and focus on improving ourselves, health, morals, intellect. This would reflect in our societies taking us to the highest pinnacle and who knows, the creator may tell mankind to subdue and take over another planet. In closing I challenge those with dissenting opinions to seek out the truth, and in parting I leave you with the wise saying of King Solomon. "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2

Author: Gilmore, Jamar

Author Location: New York

Date: October 19, 2016

Genre: Essay

Extent: 7 pages

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