Projects Inspired by the Archive

A Podcast Archive on Prison Abolition
Josefine Ziebell 2022

Queer and Trans Prison Voices is a capstone project for the M.A. Program in Liberal Studies at the CUNY Graduate Center. This project is located at the intersection of Critical Prison Studies, Gender Studies, Sound Studies, and American Studies. It highlights the importance of sonic modes of anti- carceral resistance by featuring the recorded voices of incarcerated people through the creation of a sonic archive of prison writings.

“The Zo” The Zo’ as an animated series

The Marshall Project October 2020

Patrick Doolittle’s essay, “‘The Zo’: Disorientation and Retaliatory Disorientation in American Prisons” based on the first person essays in the APWA, evolved into a graphic novel and now a series of animated shorts by The Marshall Project.


In her essay, Erbil considers the political space that opens up when prison writers meet readers, inside and outside the walls, freed from the filter of publishing gate-keepers.

Duygu Erbil in Polity of Literature

Get In Touch

We’d love to hear from you about:

  • Projects you’re working on inspired by the Archive.
  • Courses or teaching using the Archive
  • Opportunities for relationship building and collaboration.
  • Opportunities to build connections with organizations engaged in similar work.
  • Opportunities to disseminate our call for entries within active prison publications and networks.
  • Opportunities to Volunteer

American Prison Writing Archive
Johns Hopkins University
3400 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21218

Help us get the word out to new writers to contribute their first-hand experiences with APWA. Share our Call for Essays with family, friends, and incarceration focused support and advocacy groups and educational programming.