My gratitude prayer

Fuller, Brian D.



MY GRATITUDE PRAYER Dear Lord, Forgive me for my complacency. Forgive me for my selfishness and apathy. Forgive me for my lack of appreciation. Remind me to be forever and continually thankful that I am able bodied and have my mobility. I have my arms and legs. Yet, I don't always do all that I could. I have two eyes and two ears. Yet I don't always listen to or look for the good. I can touch and feel and smell and taste. So why is it that I don't appreciate all the sweetness and wonderful blessings of your creation? I have food in my belly and a roof over my head. I have clothes on my back and a warm place to sleep. I have clean water and access to toilets and showers. I am free from sickness and disease. I am not in constant pain. And the pains I do have are bearable. Thank you Lord for these bumps, and bruises, and dissappointments. Let me find humility and thankfulness in all that I am able to endure. Thank you Lord for your protection and providence; your mercy and your grace. Thank you for the forgiveness of my many sins. Amen Brian Fuller [?]-[?]-20

Author: Fuller, Brian D.

Author Location: Texas

Date: 2020

Genre: Essay

Extent: 1 pages

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