The sun may shine

Blake, Ethelyn



1. Essay by: Reneigh Blake The sun may shine...As I do this time, alot of things come to my mind. Though I find in doing this time outside the sun shine bright, but inside is grimmy, lying, coniving, and fictious people - They wear grey suits... It's them vs. us so why fuss - I watch in disgust - behind these walls it's dark and falling apart. That's where the sun start to shine within - I'll be the rays of lightening that shed light in this darkness, I have a heart and refuse to fall apart...This is where it start. Noone that have never been here or even had a traffic ticket - inside this place is the bottom of the barrell. The thing's we go through within this essay not only do I wish to [pleak?] all the bad /violations going on inside the fish bowel - I also wish to be the voice that speak out, especially those women who are afraid to do so - The system is built to not only keep us inside, bring us down, yet they do their best to install fear in us - we live in inhumane living standards; having to deal with harassment, retaliation as well as being violated in many ways - our Civil Rights, Women Rights, Constitutional Rights, 2. Prisoner Rights and disrespected like we aren't human - They write bogus cases in conspiracy, retaliation and hatred to set us back from our freedom. It's fun and games for them - They starve us taking our rights from us with nothing being done about it - It's ok for the men here to use excessive use of force on women, hit women and still have a job, all this is ok with the warden - They have their teacher's pets in grey as well as white - where is the justice - Being in this current situation at the moment there is so much unlawful things happening here that's covered up when ACA, Regional Director and other big people that come to evaluate the unit - when there is a suicidal person or one that's actually in danger or has been cut with visible cuts it's funny when you go to UCC - what warden of a unit laugh making jokes with a women in front of them injured - where is the justice? Alot of the officers come in dealing with their personal issues just to take it out on us - They violate rules & us daily but want respect in return - Again because they have the authority its abused used in the wrong manner. Then want us to follow 3. rules when in fact they follow none - They are one's who are here to set an example? - Honestly speaking here there's no rehabilitation nor correction at all - we aren't offered many educational classes - Those in restricted housing don't have any access to educational classes to help expand our knowledge, yet they say do not come back to prison - It's the officers who teach us to manipulate the system, lie & do wrong, yet wonder why the rate is so high on the return of prisoners - There is no use in utilizing the grievance process because the grievance investigator will throw away the write ups for her friends or family etc. Crooked all through the system - It's no telling who is friends or family in this place - It's a reason we are here and it's to do our time, not be mistreated, beat, lied on, retaliated against, starved and of them all be judged again - We are not here to be punished all over again by the staff - Feeling of this environment make me 4. think of being stranded on Gilligans Island - I can relate to how they felt being stuck not even having a rescue boat - I have had two pair of my personal reebok shoes stolen and misplaced, yet I was laughed at along with the warden playing dirty w/ the grievance investigator still not having my shoes replaced that was supposed to had been replaced due to me losing my shoes to another inmate on this unit - There are very few officers that treat us with respect and treat us like we're human beings - stuck on gilligans island sending out smoke...smoke...smoke signals. Still no justice - The higher ups such as (Captains, wardens etc. expose other inmates confidential information with other inmates - Donald Trump says Texas Prisons should utilized. How is that so when the system is designed to keep us down & in prison?? Good question... I know it - so much is swept under the rug and keeping it quiet because noone wants to be 5. shown up as the crooked individual they are, or walked off, or being embarassed if they get demoted - These people could care less how we live - I was placed in a cell with someone's feces in it everywhere - I was told by the "captain" I had to clean it up - I wasn't given gloves or chemicals - The SSIs done nothing when they suppose to had cleaned it when they were instructed to clean it - All in all that was a retaliation due to me using my tools due to me being violated - using illegal searches, not feeding us things of such to retaliate against is what is done... Again where is the justice? Trash and dirt on the ground is treated better than we are - noone! cares - In the eyes of this crooked authority we are nothing - Just as I say all the time equal isn't even in the equation - we're told we're just inmates etc... etc... What does that mean? Most of the officer's need a behavior moderation also. 6. The vibe is negative radiating from them - All I can do is shake my head and call on God for us all in this dark hole - It's modern day slavery because there is all white men out in the field with guns waiting to shoot someone and be within reasoning There aren't any black officers on the "Hoe Squad" - They work prisoners for all they are worth with no pay and talked to like dogs... I mean Good God where is the justice? We're fed with dirty utensils food all in them for a previous meal, yet who cares?? Noone exactly - Just look on the inside is where the drive, motivation and stimulation comes from - I hope someone understands this struggle one that can help clean up the legal clan that is toxic to human life and this environment that has to be left behind even when I am gone - Someone that can shed some light inside these 7. walls - we are human too. Reneigh Blake

Author: Blake, Ethelyn

Author Location: Texas

Date: 2020

Genre: Essay

Extent: 7 pages

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